Having just written a post about the absence of vessels this afternoon, I went on deck for a dingo’s breakast (a quick piss and a look round). I was astonished to see a sail on the horizon to windward. Our AIS told me it was the 100′ sailing vessel “Varsovie”, bound St Maartens. Motoring at 11 knots, the bastards. We had a brief chat on VHF and I could see them lounging in their air-conditioned saloon sipping pinae coladae after hot showers. But I wasn’t jealous. Not me.
Three other things made today noteworthy. First, we were visited by some gorgeous white-tailed tropic birds; second, a big pod of spotted dolphins played cheerfully in our pathetic bow wave for over an hour, and third, the wind backed 10 degrees and we were able to put up our reaching spinnaker.
“Varsovie” has disappeared ahead but we are doing 5 knots on course, the autopilot and spinnaker having made friends. It’s not all bad.