By midnight last night we could see the loom of Scarborough to starboard, and an hour later a scratchy image of Tobago was visible on the radar screen. Struggling against an inexplicable easterly current in a very sloppy sea our entrance into Galleons Passage was quite uncomfortable.
Not until dawn did we get the benefit of the NW set through the passage. With little wind and the tireless Mr Ford our speed jumped from 3 to 7 knots.
At happy hour we had farewelled our last bottle of Andalusian red. This was a particularly sad occasion for Ian, whose 5 pm Ritual Tipples mark his days like nothing else can. Now we have only 1 bottle of vodka (“Voddy”), some orange juice and Maxine’s sugar syrup left but, as it is now just 60 miles to Chagauramas, we should cope.
It will be good to stop moving, I must say.