We entered this secure little bay after a lovely crossing of Golfo Corcovado. A crisp southwest breeze gave us 7 sunny knots and a fast trip despite having to buck some tide. When blue whales sound the spout is high and narrow, visible from a long way off, and quite unlike any I have previously seen. Just for comparison a humpback sounded nearby and the difference was obvious. The anchorage was secure and comfortable, the barometer steady. Clean white sand and wooded shores close by.
At Puerto Puquetin there is a little shelter containing a shrine to the memory of fishermen lost at sea 40 years ago. Messages are written and relics left by passing sailors, us included. Romance aside, the bond between seamen is real. Time and again I have had quite technical discussion about the sea with fishermen, despite no commonality of language. Discussion which has us nodding wisely and with real understanding.