Can’t believe we’re in Rostov

DSC_4737xA rich sunrise this morning gave the Don a Monet look. Now a blustery west wind is bringing squalls up river. 

We arrived in Rostov-on-Don at 6 last night. Another milestone in Tainui’s journey. Here we say goodbye to gorgeous Jenny, get more beer for Rosie and refuel for the 30 km trip down to Azov where we put up the mast. It is only 35 km to the open sea from here and I must say I am ready for it.

DSC_4730xRostov is a wonderfully busy commercial port. Tankers and bulk carriers are anchored 3 abreast in the narrow river. Factories line the shores. Convoys of up to 6 vessels at a time depart for the journey up the Don to Volgograd and ports beyond. Purposeful workboats streaked with rust power back and forth across the river and the air is filled with industrial noise. There is much to watch.


Rosie, Jen and Max

Rosie, Jen and Max




Waterfront shacks below the railway line


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