Yesterday’s headwinds increased spectacularly after sunset. By 9pm we were hove to under deep reefed main with 40-45 knots of westerly over the deck. Not too uncomfortable, but a big ask for our poor mainsail. The loom of Surfers Paradise gave the horizontal sheets of driven spray a ghostly backlight.
By dawn the breeze had eased. 10 miles southeast of Cape Moreton we got under way, accomnpanied by a breaching humpback whale. At Caloundra fairway buoy we notified the authorities of our dodgy engine issues and our need to anchor outside the Brisbane River for the night. Having lost the wind we motored very timidly down to anchorage at Mud Island. After clearing customs in Brisbane Tainui wandered through the Moreton Bay swatchways to Queensland’s dreadful Gotham City.
We have arrived and, after 51 countries and 11 years, Tainui is home at last!
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